Evan Kurimay
June 18, 2024, 2:11 a.m. • Run
Rested. had a 9 hour shift. Long run tomorrow.
Evan Kurimay
Hinsdale | Blacksburg
June 17, 2024, 12:44 a.m. • Run
Daisy dash 5k tempo. Decided to use this as a tempo to get back into workouts and was all the more fun to do it with bunny max grant and kyle (partly). Saw jan erik and yandel too. Finished with max and bunny in 18:21 (which is 17:35 or so) so well under 6 average pace which was a good start. Didn’t feel too terribly hard either.
June 15, 2024, 3:44 p.m. • Run
Chill day at Graue. Salt creek was closed so had to pivot. Felt alright. Daisy dash tomorrow for the first workout.
June 14, 2024, 1:17 p.m. • Run
Brisk graue run with bunny and garg. Sore so still getting back into it.
June 14, 2024, 1:05 a.m. • Run
Back at it. Run at Graue in the evening for 40. Felt like the first day but wasn’t bad. Looking at the summer I think it’s gonna be great and had a great year to work off of. 8k is a different beast though and just need to get experience in it, but I have a full four years to get that as opposed to only 2 of high school xc.
June 2, 2024, 12:51 a.m. • Run
Magis. Mid race, I just didn’t feel it today. Haven’t raced in a minute so haven’t been in race rhythm. Coop and I were dead even at 4:35. I know I’m in 4:24 shape but just felt heavy. I probably could have dipped down to the mid 4:20s around conference time, but happy to have had an overall good season to finish the career off. Gonna take a few weeks and then get back for VT club training.
May 30, 2024, 2:42 p.m. • Run
Good graue recovery with bunny. Best I’ve felt in a while. Strides.
May 29, 2024, 3:36 p.m. • Run
10x400 at tempo ish pace with bunny in the morning. Averaged 75-76. He did smth a little faster since he hasn’t had a workout this week. Nice day, felt pretty decent. Funny running into westy when we were getting gas afterwards.
May 29, 2024, 1:55 a.m. • Run
Didn’t know we were running til I was already with gruber and grant so ran later in the day. 40 mins, perfect temp out when I went. World feels so different after graduating, can’t explain it.
May 28, 2024, 1:13 a.m. • Run
Warmup then broken 1600: 800, 400, 200, 200. Soloed cause of lifeguarding. 2:20, 3 min rest, 63, 1.5 min rest, 30, 30 sec rest, 31. 4:24 added up so I’m in shape to do it at magis. Didn’t feel too terribly hard either.
May 25, 2024, 10:26 p.m. • Run
Good train run in the morning before finals. Boys delivered today with aden continuing the 800 legacy and getting 2nd in the 4x4. Couldn’t be happier for them. Cicadas were awful but was worth it. Seeing all of this reminded me how much I had wanted to run at state track but I guess it wasn’t in store for me. But seeing it again was just as fun.
May 25, 2024, 2:40 a.m. • Run
Lots of running between dorms and the track. Just did my best to stay out of the way and keep everyone in good spirits. Was crushed to see the 4x8 but the 8 and 4x4 avenged it. Weather sucked but just stuck with the runners to help them with what they needed. Was supposed to run the alt 800 at night but the rain and late prelims canceled it, no big deal. Got some good livestreaming of the races for those who couldn’t attend. Been really getting to know the team better, I think that’s a huge plus of this meet.
May 23, 2024, 8:34 p.m. • Run
Drive down + cicada run. Man those things are loud and in numbers. Haven’t really seen much of eiu or charleston so was nice to run around it. Good team culture going.
May 23, 2024, 12:10 a.m. • Run
Alt graduation with Max bunny and Mark. Grateful for the administration to put together a personal graduation for us. So much has happened and I’ve had so many different things happen that have changed my perspective so much. But just always been grateful to live in a place like this. Wouldn’t trade my career for anything else, I have no regrets. Thresholds at 77 felt pretty light.
May 21, 2024, 11:31 p.m. • Run
Beaver and add on. Strides. No ice bath as always this szn. Can’t believe I’m graduating tomorrow. I hope aden had everything before leaving…🎅🏿
May 21, 2024, 2:31 a.m. • Run
Broken 800s - 600 and 200 x 2 + 4x200. Went 1:34, 31, 1:35, 31, averaged 28 on the 200s. Didn’t matter if I was top 4 in the order I still ran mid. We collectively did I thought. But we’re in shape, I know that for sure. I was 1:28 at the 600 at conference so I can definitely be running faster. We did all have a really strenuous effort on Friday, so probably was a contributing factor. I felt better than I thought though.
May 20, 2024, 1:02 a.m. • Run
Good recovery through the dale. Needed a day just to reflect and convalesce. Sectionals blew a few screws loose for me and post race too so just got better from that. We go on.
May 18, 2024, 1:57 a.m. • Run
Wow whatta ride. So much to say about my career here but the first thing is how grateful I am about having the team that contributed to where I am today. Sure, on a better day where it wasn’t 85 and sunny I probably could’ve qualified. But even if I did, I would still be just as proud as I am now. My sophomore year was good, and junior year was not great, but this year I can say with great pride that I put everything on the table. XC sectionals, my state race, and this track season were great highlights. I was happy deep down every second to help our team when the red devil called. Max Bunny Garg and Cubbin, y’all made me realize how to be a good teammate, racer, and friend. Lawrence, it’s been a ride, and there was no one I would rather be coached by. On the race I paced well coming in at 4:44 but the heat got to some of us in there and closed in 4:58 or so. Needed 63 to qualify and was on pace for 150 meters on last lap then just hit that horrible wall, worse than any race I have ever experienced. That was my hardest race of my entire career. What a night for us though. Bunny going 46.5 and the others doing well was definitely the highlight. Still have the ability to go down with the 4x800 and still have Magis, so it’ll be a fun few weeks. 2:03.8 (2023) 4:32.7 9:43.7 15:35 🫡
May 17, 2024, 1:42 a.m. • Run
Treadmill. Had a lifeguard class but was just review no activity. Got done early. In hot tub atm. All in…