Devin Garg
Jan. 5, 2025, 5:15 p.m. • Run
3.93 mi 34:29 8:46 /mi
Devin Garg
Chicago, IL
Dec. 15, 2024, 9:39 p.m. • Run
Didn’t intend to work out today, but I got bored of studying. Ran then stretched a bit afterwards.
Dec. 1, 2024, 9:40 p.m. • Run
Zoo loop (Zoop dubbed by James Cubbin) at Madison with James Cubbin.
Nov. 24, 2024, 11:02 p.m. • Run
Back home for Thanksgiving break so I did a light 2 miles to keep building up fitness. Wish James Cubbin luck on his mid term tomorrow!
Oct. 18, 2024, 4:10 a.m. • Run
10 minutes of whatever kick punch or body weight exercise popped into my mind, mostly jump squats and punches and kicks but it was a good solid 10 minutes of activity to keep the streak of activeness going. Anyways tmrw I don’t know if I will make time to run but if I don’t I’ll try doing 10-15 minutes of some more bodyweight exercises to maintain consistency.
Oct. 17, 2024, 3:22 a.m. • Strength
Some kicks, punches, wall sitting and squats to keep active right before my shower today. Tomorrow I’ll try and amp it up a bit but for now the goal is consistency over quality.
Oct. 16, 2024, 3 a.m. • Run
Ran at the rec center by me for 4 miles, doing 1 mile faster, 2 slightly above recovery pace, then 1 mile even faster. 6:44, 7:16 ish 2 times then 6:33. Had a great time with Kasra, Matt and Buckle this weekend. Good luck everyone for conference, I’m sure you’ll do great things.
Oct. 6, 2024, 12:32 p.m. • Run
Graue run with Coach. Nice to catch up and talk about college and all sorts of things. Graue was also very nice especially with the great weather. Came back for Uncles 65th birthday and celebrated that, now back to Madison. Hi Momin.
Sept. 27, 2024, 11:02 p.m. • Run
Solo run to Picnic Point which was very nice, stopped briefly for some photos and then ran back. Has been a while since my last run but I still have my endurance. I think I’m gonna try and improve my consistency in these coming weeks though. Hope everyone is doing well!
Sept. 16, 2024, 1:54 a.m. • Run
Indoor Run around the indoor track at the rec center next to my dorm. Pretty fun to speed up towards the end and go fast. Gonna try and stay active this week. I feel like I have a newfound motivation I was lacking last week and am ready to tackle this one.
Sept. 9, 2024, 2:31 a.m. • Run
Run with the fellow members of my pod in my dorm, 7 of us total, 5 stuck the whole 5 ish miles. Very fun to run at night with them and I told a little spooky story along the way. Super proud of everyone from Red Devil Invite, keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see what you guys are able to achieve. We picked up the speed at the end too. Both James’ were in attendance.
Sept. 5, 2024, 11:19 p.m. • Run
Lake run with Jcub. Was a bit after dinner so I was sluggish by got into it after a good mile or two. Nice scenic route and college is generally going well. Almost fell asleep in comp Sci lecture since the prof was talking at 0.5x speed but I’ll live probably.
Sept. 5, 2024, 1:54 a.m. • Run
Small little run with James Cubbin and his roommate Jeremy at night by the forest trail which was very scary and James wouldn’t let us turn on the flashlight so it was even more scary but we lived, barely. First day of school went well, only 50 minutes of class but a whole lotta homework and stuff
Aug. 31, 2024, 10:15 p.m. • Run
Ran with Jcub to the lake and discovered a path we intend to conquer another day. Still it was a lot of fun as we slowly and strategically passed two guys running in front of us. We still got it.
Aug. 30, 2024, 1:25 p.m. • Run
Tried out the indoor track at the Nick, the rec center next door to my dorm. Really really nice, much more than our old HC indoor track. Anyways did that for 30 minutes and met these two incoming grad poli sci students. Ran with them for the remained pretty much and learned about they were on the 5-6 year track for a PhD at Madison. After that I went to the room with the punching bags but they were much more hard than I thought was expecting. Had the room to myself so did some kicks and punches until my knuckles were bruised pretty well. Went on to do a bit of dumbbell curls and jumping squats and then made my way down to the floor to relax a bit, maybe I’ll do a bit of badminton or volleyball if anyone is on the courts. Picture is from something called the W project where we form a giant W on the field with our bodies and it was super super cramped.
Aug. 29, 2024, 12:52 p.m. • Run
Little run with Cubbin and his roommate this morning. Pretty light pace but nice to get a run in finally, now I just gotta work on keeping myself consistent with exercise again.
Aug. 27, 2024, 12:47 p.m. • Strength
I’ll see you boys later this is goodbye for now and goodluck with the meets this week, make sure to smile and enjoy yourselves at each one, even during the races if you wanna see what it feels like, it was fun at McCarthy but I don’t know how a XC race will be. Anyways leaving this morning to help my brother move into Madison and moving in tmrw at 8:00 am. I’ll be cheering you guys on from there for every race. I’m grateful for all of our time together whether it was 3 full years of track, xc, summer and winter running or 1 season of track. Did a single Jumping Jack to start the day off. Get your sleep!