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Support-Account•Feb. 12, 2022, 4:17 p.m. • 242
- Go to your profile tab
- Go to Settings in the top right corner
- Click the button
- Click Settings in the Profile section
Default unit
- Toggle your Trackster unit preferences between:
- Miles
- Kilometers
To see all distance metrics formatted with your default unit throughout the app.
- **Note: all training posts with 'Swim' activity type will display in "yards" no matter which default unit you choose.
GPS Auto-post
Users can toggle this setting on or off:
On: All GPS activities uploaded from any connected devices will be automatically saved as new training posts with a randomized emoji as the description
- Users can then visit the app to edit their auto-posted training and add an image, description, etc.
Off: GPS activities *will not be automatically saved as training posts
- Instead, users can go to the home feed and click the button to create a new training post.
- Then, users can click on the connected GPS account to view any saved activities from their synced devices and post them to Trackster manually.
Default shoe
Users on Trackster can create and manage as many shoes as they like. They can choose one shoe at a time to be their default shoe. All new training posts (including auto-post GPS) will include this default shoe by, you guessed it, default.
Users can remove their default shoe and select a different pair for any training at any time. It's simply a way to save time and quickly keep their most commonly used shoe attached to their upcoming training posts until they toggle a new default shoe.
Dark vs. Light mode
- Users can toggle between Trackster display options for Dark backgrounds with contrasted white texts or vise versa.
- Choose System on Android or iOS devices to have Trackster toggle Dark or Light depending on their operating system's settings.
Map Style
- Trackster shows GPS and route data via Google maps throughout the app. We have a sleak, clean default map style called 'Trackster' that is shown by default. Users can choose other Map Styles and customize the display a whole lot depending on what they prefer.
Users can also choose to show maps with 'Roadmap', 'Terrain', 'Satellite', or 'Hybrid' types.
Current Map Styles on Trackster include: - Standard - Transparent - Dark - Simple - Trackster - Sunshine - Earth - Pinky